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Wednesday, June 10, 2009




Simple ways to add “Recent Comments” widget in your Blogger( blogspot) Blog

Two readers( our followers), one from Malaysia and other from United States of America, ask us about any ways to add Recent Comments in their blog. We were very happy to answer them through this post.

Benefits of  adding a “Recent Comments” widget

Before blogging, serious bloggers should know the power of comments. A sincere comment with a link back to a website or blog will definitely noticed by Search Engines. Such valuable links will help to boost  your Page Rank also. So Always remember the “Power of Comments” and  try to give some value comments whenever you visit a blog.

This widget will help the Search engines to crawl easily through the Comments and the Commenting blogs and commented post will get much higher appreciation from crawl robots.

This widget will display 5 recent comments from your posts with date, full structure of comment and title of the post.

This will help readers to know what others feel about your blog and your posts. If you usually receive good comments, then installing this Widget is an excellent way of announcing that to all.

The more comments you receive, then you will get more readers as reader psychology is to read what others read.

All blogger blogs, please follow all steps carefully:

Step A:

Log in to your “DASHBOARD’. Then click on “LAYOUT” and then go to “PAGE ELEMENTS”

Step B:

Now Click on “Add a Gadget”. This will reach a page where you can select many widgets. Select “HTML/JavaScript”. After selecting this you will get an Empty widget box where you had to paste the below given HTML. Don’t close or logout. Stay cool and do what we describe in Step C. Before pasting, give a Title “ Recent Comment Box”

Step C:

Now select and copy the whole code given below( given in purple colors) and paste it in the widget box you have just opened in Step B.

<script style="text/javascript">
function showrecentcomments(json) {
  var numcomments = 5;
  var showcommentdate = true;
  var showposttitle = true;
  var numchars = 100;
for (var i = 0; i < numcomments; i++) {
  var entry = json.feed.entry[i];
  var alturl;
  if (i == json.feed.entry.length) break;
for (var k = 0; k <; k++) {
  if ([k].rel == 'alternate') {
  alturl =[k].href;
  alturl = alturl.replace("#", "#comment-");
  var postlink = alturl.split("#");
  postlink = postlink[0];
  var linktext = postlink.split("/");
  linktext = linktext[5];
  linktext = linktext.split(".html");
  linktext = linktext[0];
  var posttitle = linktext.replace(/-/g," ");
  posttitle =;
  var commentdate = entry.published.$t;
  var cdyear = commentdate.substring(0,4);
  var cdmonth = commentdate.substring(5,7);
  var cdday = commentdate.substring(8,10);
  var monthnames = new Array();
  monthnames[1] = "Jan";
  monthnames[2] = "Feb";
  monthnames[3] = "Mar";
  monthnames[4] = "Apr";
  monthnames[5] = "May";
  monthnames[6] = "Jun";
  monthnames[7] = "Jul";
  monthnames[8] = "Aug";
  monthnames[9] = "Sep";
  monthnames[10] = "Oct";
  monthnames[11] = "Nov";
  monthnames[12] = "Dec";
  if ("content" in entry) {
  var comment = entry.content.$t;}
  if ("summary" in entry) {
  var comment = entry.summary.$t;}
  else var comment = "";
var re = /<\S[^>]*>/g;
  comment = comment.replace(re, "");
  if (showcommentdate == true) document.write('On ' + monthnames[parseInt(cdmonth,10)] + ' ' + cdday + ' ');
document.write('<a href="' + alturl + '">' +[0].name.$t + '</a> commented');
  if (showposttitle == true) document.write(' on ' + posttitle);
if (comment.length < numchars) {
  comment = comment.substring(0, numchars);
  var quoteEnd = comment.lastIndexOf(" ");
  comment = comment.substring(0, quoteEnd);
document.write(comment + '...<a href="' + alturl + '">(more)</a>');
<script src=""><!—Recent Comment Box generated by --></script><a href="">Get This Recent Comment Widget!</a>

Very important :

  • Replace ( given in RED bold letters) with your blogspot URL or your website URL. Do not try to change anything from the code
  • Copy all the script given in purple colors till  </a> without any change

Step D:

Now  Save and if you need to rearrange the position of that widget, then Click,hold the mouse button and move to your desired place in “Layout”. Now again “ Save Template”

Step E:

Reload or refresh your blog and see the new widget. Now the most important step, after installation, comment on this post and drop your blog address.  We will check how the new widget help the spider crawl by search engines.

Hope you may love to read:







forexwatch said...

Very Good Tips. Unfortunately , I could not copy the codes.

Reetha said...

well, its easy to copy, still if u feel trouble, just let me know..i will send the code in email to you

david biodun-kasumu said...

Very nice post!
You are updated$ today,as promised.
Hope to see you!

reetha said...


Remo Ardali said...

Hi! So i found time to visit ur blog:)
And immedately grab ur comment gadget.
As we are friends from the awards*, how about exchanging links? As u anyway have now 1 from me...
take care

Reetha said...

Thank you Mr Remo, for your kind words. You are invited to GUEST WRITE in my blog. Hope you will email me the article with three links of all your blogs to

CrazyPeopleI'veWorkedWith said...

Thanks for the nice comment on my blog. I'm loving yours too - very informative!! I'll be voting for you...

moremony services said...

As we are friends from the awards*, how about exchanging links? As u anyway have now 1 from me...
take care

babbu said...

hi friend ,Very Good Tips. Unfortunately , I could not copy the codes.

Reetha said...

Thankyou Crazy, Moremoney and Babu for you Visit

Reetha said...

Dear Mr Babu, Please try in a diffrerent bowser. This usually happens when some plugin are not fully functional in your browser. Either u can refresh the page or try in a different browser

Winoath said...

ya..i have added the widget..nice one..

shabnamahsan said...

awesome blog....i added the widget but its not working dunnu why/sad...plz check it & tell me if i've done anything blog's url is

thanx in advance

Kris said...

Dear Shabnam, We have inspected your widget and found that there is a small error in your blogname you have given at the end portion of your blog. you put like this HOPES THAT YOU NOTICED THE TWO SLASHES AFTER YOUR BLOG NAME. NOW REMOVE ONE FROM THAT AND SAVE. THIS WILL DEFENITELY HELP YOU. Still have problem? let us know. Happy Blogging

shabnam said...

thanx a million Kris for u visit & ur guidance....God bless u

Nathan said...

Thanks for letting me know about the Recent Comment Box. I have added it to and it looks great.

With any luck this will help generate more comments on my blog. I have really found your website useful as I set up my own personal blog so thank you for everything.

Nathan at Wild Facts.

Dick East said...

please leave your comments

shabnamahsan said...

i installed ur recent comment widget at my blog but its not working properly..its showing only 2 comments not all comments ....plz visit & help me...thanx in advance

Kris said...

Dear Shabnam, Thanks for using this Widget. We have inspected your widget. Please find, the script in that Widget Code var numcomments = 5; AFTER finding that , just change 5 to 12. SAVE and Then please place the widget below Blog archives. The above said script is in third line from the top of the script. Please be careful not to change anything else. Hopes that this will help you to solve your problem. If you still feel trouble, please feel free to ask us.
Thank you

shabnamahsan said...

hi kris
thanx a million for ur reply & help...i did the same as u suggested but the problem is still there plzzzzzzzzz help..

shabnamahsan said...

my blog url is

Kris said...

Dear Shabnam Ahsan, We inspected the widget again.We found that the comment form in your blog is Powered by "Disqus".This widget will not pick comments powered by Disqus, because Disqus is tracking comments in a different way. Any comments that is posted in the comment form of Google Blogger as done in the showing two comments, will be picked up by this widegt and will show in blog. Any way we are developing special for "disqus" but till that, you may try by removing disqus and use the original blogger template comment form.
If you have any doubt, please feel free to comment.
Thank you

Anonymous said...

Hi if your looking for a new Gadget come to, very good gadgets review.

shabnamahsan said...

i've changed my template than i installed ur recent comment widget but its not showing comments plz visit & inspect if i've done any mistake in instalation....thanxxxxxx in blogs url is

Kris said...

Dear Shabnam, Thanks for installing the widget. You have selected an excellent template. congrats for selecting that. Well, we have inspected your widget. You may please read the article full before installing. We have found that you didnot change the with the name of your blog. Please see that it is given in red letters in the entire code. Please dont change anything else in this code.Also remeber to copy the whole code till the last letter a. We recommend that you may please delete the existing widget, copy the code again and past in the HTML box of blogger and then edit it there. and save. If you still feel trouble, then please feel free to ask us. We are at your service

shabnam said...

hi kris
thanxxxxxxxx a bunch for visiting my blog,liking my template & helping me to installl the recent comment widget correctly....may God help you alway & in every difficult situation ameen

Cetusan said...

timo kacih bayk..thankiu

the dafthermits (Mel n andy and wee clan) said...

many thanks for this

peace and light

Dr Doc dlcs said...

Thanks! Dr Doc dlcs

Jaunty Quicksand said...


I added your comments widget and it works well. Here's my blog:


J. Scott Smith said...

Followed your instructions at this blog:

Doesn't seem to be working though.....

nikos said...

Unfortunately doesnt read greek post titles.Any unicode help ???

its look like this
"On Mar 13 Art Attack commented on blog post" instead the real greek post title.

any help?


oto kiralama ankara said...

very nice blog :) thank you admin...

Dominican Republic Villas said...

With any luck this will help generate more comments on my blog. I have really found your website useful as I set up my own personal blog so thank you for everything. I wonder if this is useful for a villa rentals and sales agency in the Dominican Republic.

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Well I had read this article and it has been very helpful to me. I always finds this type of informative article only. Great assets are described here, very nice to read in step wise. I am sure people will gonna find it very helpful.

Unknowkn said...

Tomas said...

Under the guidance of your post I embellished my blog with a “Recent Comments” widget. Thank you very much for so detailed instructions.

Chris Rowan said...

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website builder said...

Thank you for sharing this very nice and useful script! This will definitely help me to gain traffic to my blog.

Naples Web Design said...

Recent comment is one of the best widget that a specific blog must attain. I will use your script. Thanks for that wonderful share of the script. I know that would be really useful, not only with my blog but with the other blogs too :) said...

This is good information but bit difficul for new blogers. We can recent comments widgets easily by with blogger. This is easiset way o add this widget.

comment system said...

Thanks for post ! It is very useful script. I will surely try it on my blog. And Hoping that it will increase the traffic on my blog.

Anonymous said...

how can i add recent comment of other person blog to be seen from my blog?
hope someone answer my question, cause this is quiet urgent.
anyway thanx

Anonymous said...

this is more working than other recent comment script. but i only want to make it simple, with no date, only name and post. what modification i must do?
really, this is more work for me than other recent comment script

Unknown said...

Hi Reetha. I appreciate your post and ya I know the “Power of Comments” and thus I always comment on the post i like and try to give some value comments whenever I visit a blog. No doubt it gains some response from the community but also the the way you are getting some very good and useful stuff from it.
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Beso said...

Thanks. I need to add it to my blogs belows.
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Abang Zul said...

Thanks a lot ,dear...

That was nice.. It's working !!

Marcus Wellington said...

Blogger displays recent blog comments on your sidebar.In this way you can gather some active user base to comment on your blog posts. Grab the below recent comments widget for blogger and add on your blogspot blog.

ayya said...

Thanks a lot ,dear...

working great in my blog !!

Unknown said...

Awesome alternative to the broken Recent Comment gadget in Blogger. It being code makes it even better because I don't have to rely on someone else's gadget. Thank you so much!

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Blog Widget by LinkWithin