Ways to increase Traffic
Please don’t read further if you are not serious or don’t have enough time.
The more the visitors, the more income you earn. Here are some tips to increase traffic to your sites.
Search Engine Optimization
A dream of almost all website owners is to optimize their blog or website to make it more popular to the search engines. Search engine optimization is a technique that helps to increase the traffic to your site or blog. The search engine optimizer help to get top rankings on the search engine result page for search queries.
Just go through these 5 steps and change your site.
Step 1-Subject choice
Find an appropriate subject, aim and targeted readers for your blog. Read this to get more tips on finding a topic.
Step 2-Inclusion of Meta
Meta tags are HTML tags that you had to include in the basic template HTML of your blog or site. Inclusion of Meta tags in your HTML will help to bring more new visitors to your site or blog. Meta will help you to get listed in the search engines and thereby get a higher rank in searching. This will bring more traffic to your site within a shorter period of time.
Meta tags have two parts:
a) Meta Description
b) Meta Keywords
a) Meta Description
This part contains the description of the blog or website in short words. Never include big tough words in the description. The description itself must be explanatory. It is always better to use the same description that you give to the blog immediately after your title in the header portion. Some people include all their keywords one by one, which is not ideal.
How to make Meta description tag?
Open Notepad and type as given below

You may type your description without mistakes by replacing Type your description here. Then copy it and paste it as directed below.
Where to paste and place the Meta Description?
It is always better to download a copy of your existing HTML to your computer before doing this. It is always a confusing question where to place the META DESCRIPTION.

These are words that are related to your blog. After placing Meta Keywords in your blog’s HTML, you must take care to optimize one page of your blog with 3 keywords or phrases. Never overuse the keywords. It is always better to put other words that look similar but the exact main key words.
How to make Meta Keywords tag?
Open Notepad and type as given below

You may type your keywords without mistakes by replacing Type your keywords here. Then copy it and paste it as given below. You can put a comma between your keywords also.
Where to paste and place the Meta Keywords?
You can place the above tag just after the Meta description placed by you in the above given step.
Step 3-Design Issues
It is very essential that you had to look to the design of your website and blog. Many people make blogs with multiple frames, complex designs and Flash which will delay the downloading time of the BLOG. If the downloading time is less then the Search engines crawl your sites more quickly and the visitors also.
If a new visitor can access you blog very quickly then more time the visitor spend in viewing your site. Remember TIME IS PRECIOUS FOR EVERYONE.
So please read the article to know more about your website performance and try the TIMER to check the downloading time of your blog.
Step 4-Develop your BLOG
Development of a blog is a vast subject that needs more descriptions. Here I am describing few methods
It is very important that you should update your blog regularly. You can adopt a policy of monthly or weekly or daily updating of your blog. Always take care to provide fresh and accurate information in regular intervals to the readers.
Never forget to add a blog roll in your blog and add your favourite blogs in that. You may add my blog in your blog roll and definitely I will visit you back. The same will happen with most blogs. So when u adds more quality blogs, then your blog also get noticed by Search engines and by other blogger.
When ever you visit a blog, read it and comment with good comment words related to the topic. This will attract the search engines not only to the blog but also to your blog.
Consider blogosphere is a big family and we as members of the family. So keep promises with other blog owners so that a healthy relationship develops between all of us.
You can make money by writing articles for other paying sites also. Read this article for more information. CLICK HERE
Index your website in several search engines like GOOGLE, YAHOO, OPEN DIRECTORY PROJECT etc. Just click here to know more.
Always tag your post with appropriate terms.
Arrange an RSS feed for your blog. This will help to increase the number of regular readers.
You must create links and track backs to other blogs. This will help to develop your blogs among other blog readers.
You must list your blog in different blog listing services. To know more blog listing services, just click here
Step 5-Monetize your BLOG
You should monetize your blog which will help you to get more traffic as well as more money. Please read this article in full to know more about the various tactics. Click here to read
that's good. i'ma try all of this right now thanx.
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Good advice. It is great to hear that you have a positive mind to help others. Appreciated
thanks sherin,
Cool post man! it's definitely helpful..
Wonderful info and blog! I am going to add you to my blogroll now...tag your it!
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