Nowadays, different approaches we can see in monetizing a blog. While monetizing it, you should see whether the Blog service provider approves it or not. Or you may ask them any way to get it approved.
1. Write a post in your blog to get paid:
Some websites are providing opportunities for young talented writers to write about any common article through which readers are directed to their websites or product information. Depending upon the performance of your blogging, you will get more contracts and will help you to get more revenue.
SPONSORED REVIEWSand PAYPERPOST are two of such sites. Here an advertiser finds a blogger to write about their products and publish in blog. You will get handsome money also. Certain blog service providers not allow these services to run in their blog. So please read the terms and conditions of your blog provider before starting.
Use the "NoFollow" tag within the HTML code of your links so Google doesn't detect those links when it crawls and indexes the web
Another website that provides such a sponsored review is SocialSpark, that adheres to Google's restrictions and requires full disclosure as well as the use of the "NoFollow" tag by all publishers.
2. Merchandise your blog
You may join CafePress for selling custom items to sell through your blog
1. Write a post in your blog to get paid:
Some websites are providing opportunities for young talented writers to write about any common article through which readers are directed to their websites or product information. Depending upon the performance of your blogging, you will get more contracts and will help you to get more revenue.
SPONSORED REVIEWSand PAYPERPOST are two of such sites. Here an advertiser finds a blogger to write about their products and publish in blog. You will get handsome money also. Certain blog service providers not allow these services to run in their blog. So please read the terms and conditions of your blog provider before starting.
Use the "NoFollow" tag within the HTML code of your links so Google doesn't detect those links when it crawls and indexes the web
Another website that provides such a sponsored review is SocialSpark, that adheres to Google's restrictions and requires full disclosure as well as the use of the "NoFollow" tag by all publishers.
2. Merchandise your blog
You may join CafePress for selling custom items to sell through your blog
3. Include an Advertisement Audio Clip and earn money:
PPP or pay per play is a new advertising method in which the reader hears an audio advertisement for few seconds when they open your blog or website. This will give you a commission and this have an advantage of getting paid for each visitor to your blog or website. is one such website.
4. Include an affiliate program
Amazon Associates is another excellent way to monetize your blog or website by signup at Amazon Associates website. Amazon Associates provide a wide range of advertisements to display and it is very easy to track the performance of your displayed advertisements.
5. Open an Adsense account:
Open an adsense account and display ads to get revenue. It is as easy as biting your nail. Click here to reach ADSENSE home page. Register and wait for Adsense to approve your blog. After approval, collect HTML or Adunits from your accounts and display in your blog template. The more clicks on your displayed advertisements will give you more revenue.
6. Market your own product:
If you are marketing a product of your company, then you can start a blog about the peculiarities of your product with the features. Then drive more traffic to your site and I am sure this will increase your revenue in both ways. You can interact easily with your clients also.
7. Ask for Donations
You should add a PayPal donation button to your blogs asking readers to make a monetary donation to keep the blog alive, by asking "If you like this blog, why not buy me a doughnut?"
8. Offer to work as a consultant through your blog
People watch you as an expert in the topic you are handling. So it will be useful if you act as a consultant of the subject with negligible fees.
9. Offer to write in other blogs
You should consider writing in other blogs, because this will help to increase traffic to your blog. If you are confident to write more then you should consider receiving a payment for writing in other blogs.
10. Offer to write e-books
Write e-books and sell it through your blog
11. Offer to become a director of various web competitions
Try to open a contest with specific time frame and announce prizes to the participants from sponsors. People love to get prize while participating in contests. You can make a small entry fee for each competition or as a competition for a period of time.
12. Offer Tutorials through your blog
Offer tutorials of latest software in the market, or any other subject of your expertise and collect money from the clients. Be sure to provide excellent service so that the customer will not deviate from you
thanks for commenting. The revenue from Adsense is limited.So you had to try other programs also. Please read the article in full and I will be happy if you say that your revenue is increased..thanks
you blog has got many information to make money througn internet. most of the youth are searching for majking money on internet. your blog is a good work
Does this tips and this method really helps?? I came across loads of blogs writing about earning online and all. But is all this true???
these things you can see in this blog itself. what i have mentioned is working items only, but u need patience and good tactics to make it ok
Thanks for the advice! Maybe I'll think about adding some revenue generating ads to my blog in the future.
thanks for the advices! man! I really still have a long way to go.. been blogging for a month now.. =.='
Great advice except with your pay per post things putting a nofollow tag could get your blog banned from them unless the advertiser says to do so.
Hey, nice blog you have. I wonder how much you earn from blog. Gotta do a lot of work before you could earn from blogging. Anyway, potential blog to do well in the future.
Good information. I am already do some of it, but i want to try increased my blog traffic first and aferthat try to make money.
I love #1! I'm going to look into that right now.
I agree with all the methods. But, building enough traffic and audience are the major before trying to monetize. Remember, most of the bloggers failing to understand this.
Great post! This is a great list and even has things that most beginners don't know about yet like CafePress. Great job!
Hi All - Download FREE videos on Monetization at . At the side banner, you can see Videos 1 - 7... videos 8 - 14 will be uploaded soon ( videos on Monetization from Adsense to CPA )
i'm still learning how to earn some money with blog and site.
and until right now i still earn little.
thanks for your info.
hope can increase my earning
thank for sharing :D
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