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Thursday, March 31, 2011


An email came from one of my readers, about a way to add a popup window in the sidebar. She suggested that this must be like a Gadget to be added anywhere in the blog, especially on the sidebar. Her another preference was to link the popup so that it will open her another blog. These requirements looked quite interesting for me. Here is the code that I send to her last week. Hopes that this will work good for you too. Any trouble, please feel free to ask me.

How to add a popup window gadget in your blog

POPUP GADGET Login to your Blogger Account, Go to Dashboard, then click on Design. Now click on Add a Gadget and select “HTML/JavaScript”. Copy the below given code given in red colors and Save. The customization of the below script is given down to the code.

<script language="javascript">
var popupWindow = null;
function positionedPopup(url,winName,w,h,t,l,scroll){
settings =
popupWindow =,winName,settings)
<p><a href= onclick="positionedPopup(this.href,'myWindow','500','300','100','200','yes');return false">My Favorite Blog</a></p><a href=""/><span style="font-size: 80%">Grab this</span></a>

How to customize the code of Popup window:

Change to the URL of the link that you want to exhibit inside the popup window. You can exhibit a picture or another blog by giving that URL at this place.

Change  My Favorite Blog to any text of your choice. This will be displayed on your blog in which any click will show a popup to linked URL.

*Please remember that this is a positioned popup.

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Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Can you just think about the situation in which you loose all your blog posts on one fine morning. The reason for such a disaster can be anyone of these, such as ban of your blog, accidental deletion of blog, or hack attack. If you wish to change the blog hosting platform from one to another hen also you need a full backup of your blog posts. Usually I do backup every month. But it is recommended that you must do backup of your blog posts after every time you update your blog. Here, we are providing  two ways of creating backup of your blogs.

How to backup your blog posts in Google blogger blogs

1. Login to
2. Go to Settings----Basic-----Blog Tools
3. Click the Export Blog button.
4. In popup window click Save.
5. You can rename the file and choose location where to save it on disk. It is saved as an XML file.

How to backup your blog posts from any blogs

For creating backup of your blog posts, you need Windows Live Writer, which is available free of cost from Microsoft. Download Windows Live Writer and install it. Open Windows Live Writer. Click on Blogs and add your blog. Once you add your blog, then Click on Open under section, “File”. A box will open where you can see “Show”, select 500 or the number which you like to view.  Then in the same box, click on your blog name. Now a popup window will open that may ask your username and password. Enter and click Ok.

Wait till downloading finishes and you can see that all your blog posts are available there. Select any one of those blog posts. Now you can view that blog post with labels, alignment, tags and even pictures. Then click on “Save draft”.

Here that blog post will be saved as draft in your computer which can be viewed through Windows Live Writer and can be uploaded to any other blog as a new post.

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Tuesday, March 29, 2011


I have received an email asking an easy way to create thumbnail gallery or album within the post. There are many widgets available in internet to create thumbnail gallery images in a blog.  Unfortunately, these widgets are not able to customize individual images. For creating customized images in thumbnail gallery, it is always advised to use some manual process, which I will explain here below.

How to add thumbnail Gallery in your blog post

For adding a thumbnail gallery, I suggest that you must blog by using Windows Live Writer. Download Windows Live Writer, add your blog and then type your blog post. Now you can click on Insert.Here there are two ways to do, one in which you can add photos as an album. the next is quite interesting. Click on Insert “Table”. The number and width of columns and rows must be the same as that you wish to keep for those thumbnail pictures.

After creating a table, then click on each cell and click on Insert- Picture. You can upload pictures from your computer into each cell and resize them as per your need.

Blue hills

  Insert picture here and resize
Insert picture here and resize

Insert picture here and resize
Insert picture here and resize Insert picture here and resize

Insert picture here and resize
Insert picture here and resize Insert picture here and resize

You can  edit the image properties such as resize, rotate, adjust picture contrast, add frame, add drop shadow, link each picture to any URL, add watermark, add special effects like sepia, emboss, sharpen or blur, add ALT text to the picture code, adjust picture temperature. In Windows7, more features available, that could make the thumbnail gallery more attractive.


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We are entering into the second year of promoting buy and sell blogs. We created a page in Facebook, “BLOGMARKET” recently to all bloggers to submit their links, if they like to sell or buy blogs. So, follow the hottest trend in blogosphere is that, establishing a blog and sell that to some other to earn money in a quick time.If you have a blog to sell or have an idea to buy a blog, please use the contact form to inform us. We are receiving a lot of enquiries, which causing much delay in taking up offers.Kindly excuse us for this delay.



An excellent blog with great subject of this century. This blog is having more than 200 posts and getting high quality visitors for many popular keywords related to astronomy. This blog is ideal for bloggers who wish to blog further on this fast growing topic.

Astronomy-Planets Stars Moon Meteors Comets Satellites


  • Category          : Astronomy
  • Google PR       : 4
  • Listed in           : Google, Yahoo, MSN
  • Age of Blog      : 3 years
  • Domain Price   : Nil (No own domain)
  • Expected price : Negotiable
  • Contact Email   : Any offers may please comment under this post or inform us using “Contact Us” form on the header portion. OR may contact the owner of the blog directly.

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Monday, March 21, 2011


Are you a Blogger or website owner looking to give a boost to your Google Adsense earnings? Are you an internet money maker who strictly follows Google Adsense Publisher Guidelines and Policies? Here is another excellent way to share your revenue with indyarocks. Indyarocks is a social networking site, probably the best of its kind to allow social networking people to earn some money. “This program is approved by Google Adsense”

How to earn money from Indyarocks?


All that you need is an Indyarock account and a Valid Google Adsense ID. (Don’t worry if you don't have an Adsense account. While joining Indyarocks, apply for Adsense also) .

Once you create account,then be eligible for revenue sharing  program, then add your Adsense account, and simply start earning money.

How to make more money from Indyarock account?

  1. Invite as many friends as possible to join you on Indyarocks.
  2. Upload Photos, Videos, Blogs, Classifieds on a regular basis.
  3. Use the  tools available in your Profile page, Photos, Videos, Classifeds and Blogs to promote your content to your friends on Facebook, Orkut, Twitter, Email and Indyarocks.
  4. Keep your profile updated and active.
  5. You can refer your friends to Indyarocks and earn money
  6. Get paid for sharing your favorite YouTube videos with your Indyarocks friends.
  7. Earn Rs. 0.05 for every video that you watch on Indyarocks. (excluding embedded YouTube Videos)


  • Do not participate in Click Fraud.
  • Never violate rules and regulations of Google Adsense, Youtube, and Indyarocks

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Thursday, March 17, 2011


Many new bloggers confuse themselves about various process that happens in Search Engine Optimization. Here in this post, we would like to explain about three terms, Crawling, Indexing and Search Engine Placements. This is primarily applicable to Google, but relatively adapted by other search engines also.  After reading about these three terms, you will understand how does Google or any other search engine find web pages matching your search query, and determine the order of search results.

What is Crawling?

crawling search engines

Crawling is the process by which the search engine arms go through a new website or blog once it gets a ping that the specific parent URL is updated. In case of Google, Crawling is a process in which Googlebot discovers new and updated pages to be added to the Google index by using a huge set of computers to "crawl" billions of pages on the web. Googlebot uses an algorithmic process in which computer programs determine which sites to crawl, how often, and how many pages to fetch from each site.

Frequency of Crawling:

Googlebot designs its crawl process depending on a list of web page URLs,based on the previous crawl processes. The Sitemap grabs the data provided at the webmasters tool page. When ever Googlebot visits each of these websites it detects links on each page and adds them to its list of pages to crawl. One of the main feature of Googlebot is that it lists new sites, changes to existing sites, and dead links. Also, Googlebot determines the content tags, photo tags, Title tags etc.

What is Indexing?

After crawling, Googlebot processes each of the pages it crawls in order to compile a massive index of all the words it crawls and the location on each page with keyword density, key content tags and attributes, such as Title tags and ALT attributes. The indexing then happens after identifying the density and relative importance of each Page.

How your Page appears in Search Engine Results?

While a person search a term in the search Engine, then say for example, Google  search the index for matching pages and return relevant results.In Google, “Relevancy” is determined by more than 200 factors like  PageRank. Build your site so that bots like, Googlebots can crawl, identify the  content keywords and rank it to the top of search engine results.

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Tuesday, March 1, 2011


I got many email, asking about how to center align a Gadget in a blog. By default, most templates obey the rule of aligning a Gadget either justified or left aligned. This becomes a challenge when a blogger try to display an advertisement in the header portion. Most of the advertisements, such as Leader Board displays in a maximum of 800 px width. So if the blog width is 1000px or more, then it is ideal to keep the advertisement gadget aligned as Center.       (Most applicable to Google Adsense)


How to Align A Gadget to Center

Simple way

Just put two tags in the HTML of the Gadget.

<center>YOUR GADGET HTML SCRIPT</center>

Replace “YOUR GADGET HTML SCRIPT” with the HTML script of your Gadget. Now place the code where ever you want, it will appear as aligned center.

Any doubts? Please feel free to ask….. Tags:

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Blog Widget by LinkWithin