A blog about new online business,make money online,blogging tips,search engine optimisation,free widgets, blogging jobs, and other blogging informations
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
There is nothing more important than creating unique content for a site. In SEO, allocating keywords in the title, header and bold HTML tags not only helps the reader to identify the topic of a page easily but it also aids in optimization since search engine takes into consideration of the keywords in these tags.
Many writers are concerned about the perfect keyword density for the maximum benefit of SEO. Unfortunately, there are no hard figures for a perfect keyword percentage.
Designing a page to facilitate the indexing by the search engine bots is another important factor to consider next to content creation. A page with rich content without indexed by the search engine bots is equivalent to no content at all. To help the search engines to find the page, the navigation system and sitemap plays important roles here. It is advisable to have text links navigation so that bots can spider all the internal pages smoothly.
Some search engines place great emphasis on the content near the top of a page. Therefore, it is advisable to design the layout in such a way that the content appears before other parts of the page.
The ultimate purpose of SEO is to make sure that the designated content appears in search engine according to the specific searches. Making the content readable and designing the page for easy indexing should always be the first priority for webmasters when SEO comes into play.
Free SEO
Of all the three different types of linking strategies, inbound links are the important and should be evaluated carefully so as to optimize a site. Google takes into consideration the weight of every incoming links and allocate some Page Rank to the receiving page. Therefore, to make a page seems important to Google, it is advised to have more quality sites linking to our pages.
Anchor text is another critical factor when obtaining inbound links from the other sites. Anchor texts with ‘click here’ will not help much for Google in determining our page relevancy. Instead, you should always encourage incoming links to contain keywords that you are targeting. For example, a SEO site may have incoming anchor texts like 'SEO Tools' or 'SEO Articles'.
Google is capable of determining whether both linking pages are relevant. They consider links that are content-related as Natural Links. This is reasonable, as it makes no sense in linking an online casino with a government hospital site. Google will reduce the ranking of those pages that contain unnatural links eventually.
Having a well-structured linking system within a site is also important as it allows Google bots to access every page of our site. These cross-links have several advantages to a site because it can distribute Page Rank and help the search engine to determine the pages’ relevancy by looking at their anchor text.
Although cross-links are very beneficial to a site, we must always remember to keep the total amount of links on a page to fewer than 100 as advised by the Google Webmaster Guidelines. Pages with more than 100 of links may cause Google to classify them as Links Farm.
It may seems that outbound links do not have any effect on our site ranking as it directs the visitors away from our site but this linking strategy will help in building up our reputation. It is important especially for a content site to provide as much information as possible to the visitors.
Outbound links will not cause the page’s Page Rank to leak out. Therefore, sharing of other important sites and resources will benefit the site in the long run.
A site without links is like an isolated data center. In order to make our sites known to more users, links are important and should be carefully implemented throughout the whole site and eventually, the Internet.
Free SEO
1. >Blogger Choice Award Badge
Click here to get nominated for bloggers choice awards and grab a badge for your blog. This will bring many traffic to your blog. An easy way of blog promotion and search engine optimistaion
GFC will enrich your site
GFC Attract more visitors and SEO
Your users can easily invite friends from social networks and contact lists to visit and join your site.
Just copy and paste a few snippets of code into your site, and Friend Connect does the rest.
3. FeedBurner
Click here to get a Feedburner account and inside you will get a lot of Gadgets that are very much useful like, Buzzboost. You can see a buzz boost and a headline banner from FEEDBURNER in this blog. Click here
4. Business
Click here to get a widget on updated information on search engine optimization tips, making money online tips, adsense programs, stock markets and much more
5. Twitter
6. Mybloglog
Mybloglog is a yahoo based service that helps to announce about your blog and invite more readers to your blog. Click here and submit your blog and website and grab a WIDGET to display in your blog. The widget lets you see the avatars of recent visitors who are members of MyBlogLog to your blog.
7. Blogtopsites
Click here and submit your blog and website and grab a TAG to display in your blog
8. Shoutmix
Click here to get a shout mix widget in your blog. Click here for an example
9. Technorati
Click here to get Technorati. I feel no need to describe about Technorati as everyone knows about it.
10. Indiblogger
Indiblogger is a space where all Indian bloggers are listing. So listing your blog in this site will help to attract more bloggers from India. Click here and submit your blog and website and grab a WIDGET to display in your blog
11. Topblogarea
Click here and submit your blog and website and grab a TAG to display in your blog
12. Blogdigger
Click here and submit your blog and website and grab a TAG to display in your blog
13. Blogarama
Click here and submit your blog and website and grab a TAG to display in your blog
14. Flickr Photo Stream Badge
This Badge helps to display images from your Flickr profile with a Flash photo stream.
15. Digg
Click here to get Digg which is customizable one which displays latest links of Digg
16. LineBuzz
Click here to get LineBuzz that shows inline comments for your blog.
17. Weather Widget
Click here to get IBEGIN widget that display weather information in your sidebar.
18. ClockLink
Click here to get a display time in various time zones with this Flash clock
19. Feedjit
Click here to get FEEDGIT customizable counter that shows real time traffic data directly in your blog’s sidebar. Different types of counters available which will help you and your visitors to know who visited your blog and from where.
20. CartoonBoard
Click here to get a Gadget that gives daily cartoons of your choice.
21. WhoLinked
Click here to get a gadget that show your visitors which sites have recently linked to your web site.
Some of them are known as a substitute for Adsense
Amazon Associates website.
Blog Ads
BlogHer Ads
BrightAds from Kanoodle
Casale Media
Chitika's eMiniMalls
Google AdSense
Industry Brains
Peak Click
Text Link Ads
Text Link Brokers
Tribal Fusion
Value Click
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Making A 100% Crawlable Site
In order to ensure that bots can crawl a site successfully, one must make sure that all pages can be found by going from pages to pages via the inter linking mechanism. It is recommended to use text links as a form of linking between all the internal pages. Webmasters can also provide a sitemap that lists down all the pages’ links in a page to facilitate this indexing. One point to take note is that if the site has more than 100 links, it is advisable to split the sitemap into several pages with each page containing no more than 100 links. A page with more than 100 links may be classified as ‘Links Farm’ by the search engine. This is stated officially in the Google Webmaster Guidelines.
Google Sitemap is another great tool for them to index a new site. Creating a Google sitemap is encouraged because it tells the search engine what are the pages in a site and how often are the content updated. This is particularly useful when some pages are not linked to within the site.
Many sites have faced crawling problems because of the way they linked up the internal pages. Search Engine bots have difficulties indexing JavaScript and Flash navigation menu. If it is not possible to remove this kind of navigation in a site, it is advised to implement a text-link navigation system in the footer of a site. This will help the bots to index the site easily.
According to Google Webmaster Guidelines, it is advised to have a static and short HTML link destination rather than a dynamic URL. Dynamic URL especially those with tagged session identifiers will not be indexed because bots will ignore these pages. It is also encouraged to avoid using the ‘&id=’ parameter when passing variables between pages as Google does not include them into the index. If parameters are needed to pass between pages, meaningful parameter like ‘&count=’ can be used instead.
When the bots conduct a visit, they will crawl the page like what a general user will see in their browser. Therefore, the bots will never index a password-protected page. If the objective is to get the site indexed by the search engine, it is advisable to remove any password-protected pages to allow access for the bots.
A site should always be search engine friendly so that users can locate the content easily. To conclude, search engine likes to index simple and content rich pages. A simple and crawlable site with great content is the essential criteria to Search Engine Optimization.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Internet is nowadays and excellent way of earning money for those people who spend a minimum of one hour per day in internet. I am not talking about home based business or those nonsense high pay offered affiliate programs. I am mentioning about glorious Blogging. The blogosphere is growing day by day. New blogs are flooding in internet. And the funniest thing according to the latest survey is that as the number of blogs is increasing, the readers also increasing.
You may wonder how this happen. This is mainly due to the deviation of traditional website visitors to BLOGS. When we took an internet survey and found that blog readers are more satisfied than Website readers because blog readers are able to find targeted information from specialists of the area. So as per calculations, the BLOGOSPHERE, will grow by another 400% by the end of 2012.
Many participants in internet are now starting their own blogs with information they can provide.
So be a part of that, Start you own blog to day itself. Who knows about the future of your blog? If it can help one person, then I will say you are a success.
I am KISSing , Keeping It Sweet, and Simple.
Find a theme or subject which you can share your own ideas and thoughts.
Make a blog about your subject in blogspot, wordpress, yahoo etc
Develop your blog as a business
Make an Adsense account
Find some affiliate programs that pay excellent revenue
Increase traffic to your blog
Relax and count money
Not looking that much simple, right?
Don’t worry, I am here to help you.
Go through ARCHIVES in right side of this blog, any doubt, feel free to comment
Ways to increase Traffic
Please don’t read further if you are not serious or don’t have enough time.
The more the visitors, the more income you earn. Here are some tips to increase traffic to your sites.
Search Engine Optimization
A dream of almost all website owners is to optimize their blog or website to make it more popular to the search engines. Search engine optimization is a technique that helps to increase the traffic to your site or blog. The search engine optimizer help to get top rankings on the search engine result page for search queries.
Just go through these 5 steps and change your site.
Step 1-Subject choice
Find an appropriate subject, aim and targeted readers for your blog. Read this to get more tips on finding a topic.
Step 2-Inclusion of Meta
Meta tags are HTML tags that you had to include in the basic template HTML of your blog or site. Inclusion of Meta tags in your HTML will help to bring more new visitors to your site or blog. Meta will help you to get listed in the search engines and thereby get a higher rank in searching. This will bring more traffic to your site within a shorter period of time.
Meta tags have two parts:
a) Meta Description
b) Meta Keywords
a) Meta Description
This part contains the description of the blog or website in short words. Never include big tough words in the description. The description itself must be explanatory. It is always better to use the same description that you give to the blog immediately after your title in the header portion. Some people include all their keywords one by one, which is not ideal.
How to make Meta description tag?
Open Notepad and type as given below

You may type your description without mistakes by replacing Type your description here. Then copy it and paste it as directed below.
Where to paste and place the Meta Description?
It is always better to download a copy of your existing HTML to your computer before doing this. It is always a confusing question where to place the META DESCRIPTION.

These are words that are related to your blog. After placing Meta Keywords in your blog’s HTML, you must take care to optimize one page of your blog with 3 keywords or phrases. Never overuse the keywords. It is always better to put other words that look similar but the exact main key words.
How to make Meta Keywords tag?
Open Notepad and type as given below

You may type your keywords without mistakes by replacing Type your keywords here. Then copy it and paste it as given below. You can put a comma between your keywords also.
Where to paste and place the Meta Keywords?
You can place the above tag just after the Meta description placed by you in the above given step.
Step 3-Design Issues
It is very essential that you had to look to the design of your website and blog. Many people make blogs with multiple frames, complex designs and Flash which will delay the downloading time of the BLOG. If the downloading time is less then the Search engines crawl your sites more quickly and the visitors also.
If a new visitor can access you blog very quickly then more time the visitor spend in viewing your site. Remember TIME IS PRECIOUS FOR EVERYONE.
So please read the article to know more about your website performance and try the TIMER to check the downloading time of your blog.
Step 4-Develop your BLOG
Development of a blog is a vast subject that needs more descriptions. Here I am describing few methods
It is very important that you should update your blog regularly. You can adopt a policy of monthly or weekly or daily updating of your blog. Always take care to provide fresh and accurate information in regular intervals to the readers.
Never forget to add a blog roll in your blog and add your favourite blogs in that. You may add my blog in your blog roll and definitely I will visit you back. The same will happen with most blogs. So when u adds more quality blogs, then your blog also get noticed by Search engines and by other blogger.
When ever you visit a blog, read it and comment with good comment words related to the topic. This will attract the search engines not only to the blog but also to your blog.
Consider blogosphere is a big family and we as members of the family. So keep promises with other blog owners so that a healthy relationship develops between all of us.
You can make money by writing articles for other paying sites also. Read this article for more information. CLICK HERE
Index your website in several search engines like GOOGLE, YAHOO, OPEN DIRECTORY PROJECT etc. Just click here to know more.
Always tag your post with appropriate terms.
Arrange an RSS feed for your blog. This will help to increase the number of regular readers.
You must create links and track backs to other blogs. This will help to develop your blogs among other blog readers.
You must list your blog in different blog listing services. To know more blog listing services, just click here
Step 5-Monetize your BLOG
You should monetize your blog which will help you to get more traffic as well as more money. Please read this article in full to know more about the various tactics. Click here to read
Friday, March 20, 2009
Once you find a topic to blog about, next find an appropriate platform to play your concert.
You can select blogger, wordpress, myspace etc depending upon your needs.
Blogger is considered to be very user friendly where are wordpress have so much options. I prefer Blogger for a starter in blogging.
With a Google account( it can be a Gmail account, a Orkut account or any other google services account) you can open your dashboard where you apply all changes in the blog.
Find an excellent name for your topic. Always make a KISS approach on a name ie Keep it Short & Sweet. If you don’t get a short name, then try some names that related to your topic. The name itself will help you to market your blog.
While I was doing a market research, I found some names like this
Freeesms……….com, suxualfoods,which make confusion in the mind of visitors when they try to remember the name of the blog later.
Blogger is very user friendly. At first you can accept the common templates for your blog and later, you can upload any blogger templates available in various websites.
Some websites that provide blogger templates are given below.
For business oriented blogger templates, an example you can see the template in EASTERNDISH
Various types of blogger templates are available in EBLOG TEMPLATES , PIMPMYPROFILE
For three column blogger templates, visit BLOGCROWDS, WEB TALKS
For four column blogger templates, visit FOURCOLUMN
Points to remember:
Never take a template with complex scripts.
Try to avoid multiple framed templates
You should check the features of the template very carefully because some templates don’t approve gadgets like comment box.
- You should find an outstanding topic to provide information or sharing thoughts through your blog.
- Always focus on one or two subjects/topic. For example, if you decide to start a blog about Business, then try to find the subclass ie whether it is Industrial, Infrastructure, Online or Home based. This categoristaion of your topic will help to target your precious readers.
- Never think that if you start a blog that contains multiple topics will invite more traffic. Try to be a specialist in the topic you are discussing.
- Remember that, treat a READER like GOD, because they are the one who is going to provide you immense revenue.
- Always provide correct informations.
- Never try to imitate any blogs
- You may try to write about some most wanted topics in internet, like health, business etc. You should develop your own touch in the presentation of the blog
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
1. Write a post in your blog to get paid:
Some websites are providing opportunities for young talented writers to write about any common article through which readers are directed to their websites or product information. Depending upon the performance of your blogging, you will get more contracts and will help you to get more revenue.
SPONSORED REVIEWSand PAYPERPOST are two of such sites. Here an advertiser finds a blogger to write about their products and publish in blog. You will get handsome money also. Certain blog service providers not allow these services to run in their blog. So please read the terms and conditions of your blog provider before starting.
Use the "NoFollow" tag within the HTML code of your links so Google doesn't detect those links when it crawls and indexes the web
Another website that provides such a sponsored review is SocialSpark, that adheres to Google's restrictions and requires full disclosure as well as the use of the "NoFollow" tag by all publishers.
2. Merchandise your blog
You may join CafePress for selling custom items to sell through your blog
3. Include an Advertisement Audio Clip and earn money:
PPP or pay per play is a new advertising method in which the reader hears an audio advertisement for few seconds when they open your blog or website. This will give you a commission and this have an advantage of getting paid for each visitor to your blog or website. Sellingppp.com is one such website.
4. Include an affiliate program
Amazon Associates is another excellent way to monetize your blog or website by signup at Amazon Associates website. Amazon Associates provide a wide range of advertisements to display and it is very easy to track the performance of your displayed advertisements.
5. Open an Adsense account:
Open an adsense account and display ads to get revenue. It is as easy as biting your nail. Click here to reach ADSENSE home page. Register and wait for Adsense to approve your blog. After approval, collect HTML or Adunits from your accounts and display in your blog template. The more clicks on your displayed advertisements will give you more revenue.
6. Market your own product:
If you are marketing a product of your company, then you can start a blog about the peculiarities of your product with the features. Then drive more traffic to your site and I am sure this will increase your revenue in both ways. You can interact easily with your clients also.
7. Ask for Donations
You should add a PayPal donation button to your blogs asking readers to make a monetary donation to keep the blog alive, by asking "If you like this blog, why not buy me a doughnut?"
8. Offer to work as a consultant through your blog
People watch you as an expert in the topic you are handling. So it will be useful if you act as a consultant of the subject with negligible fees.
9. Offer to write in other blogs
You should consider writing in other blogs, because this will help to increase traffic to your blog. If you are confident to write more then you should consider receiving a payment for writing in other blogs.
10. Offer to write e-books
Write e-books and sell it through your blog
11. Offer to become a director of various web competitions
Try to open a contest with specific time frame and announce prizes to the participants from sponsors. People love to get prize while participating in contests. You can make a small entry fee for each competition or as a competition for a period of time.
12. Offer Tutorials through your blog
Offer tutorials of latest software in the market, or any other subject of your expertise and collect money from the clients. Be sure to provide excellent service so that the customer will not deviate from you
Gadgets are independent programs that are linked to another server to provide information or service from the remote server. These gadgets are also called as WIDGETS.
Most of the Gadgets provide updated information or service from its parent servers. So this will help you to provide excellent updated information to your readers. This will give a fresh look to your blog each time of visit.
Categorization of Gadgets
Topic Gadgets:
These gadgets are those which are related to the subject of your blog. You can provide additional information through these gadgets.
For example: It is ideal to keep a Gadget of updated business news in a blog related to business
General Gadgets:
These gadgets will provide service or information about any general topic.
For example: “Quote of the Day” is a Gadget that provides proverb daily on your website.
External Gadgets:
These gadgets are linked to website or independent servers other than Google, for information or services
Where you can find a Gadget?
Topic Gadgets and General Gadgets:
A lot of Gadgets are available in Blogger itself. After reaching the Dashboard of your blog in Google blogger, go to Layout. Then select Add Gadget, you may search and find the appropriate one.
External Gadgets:
Various Widgets are now available in internet that could help us to make our blog rich with contents.
For example:
You can view some excellent widgets in
While selecting the Gadgets, you should see how the blog downloads after that. You must avoid Gadgets that slows down the Page downloading time of your website. You can compare the downloading time of your blog with other blog of same category.
Read this article on How to check the downloading time of your blog.
How to check the downloading time and performance of your blog, read till the end of article to find out a TIMER and STOPWATCH for your website.
An important point one should keep in his mind while constructing a website or a blog is the downloading time. It is the total time taking by a blog or website to download fully to a reader. If the blog or website downloads faster, then the viewer will show much interest to view each part of your website.
You should make the website or blog to download as quickly as possible
Your blog must comparatively much faster than blog of same category
How to grade your website according to the downloading time?
There is a simple formula for you to apply,
1. Kris Download Rate Formula:
X = (Time taken by the webpage to full download in seconds) / 10
Excellent download rate if the value of X is less than 1
Good download rate if the value of X is 1
Poor download rate if the value of X is greater than 1
Y = (Time taken by the webpage to full reload or refresh in seconds) / 6
Excellent download rate if the value of X is less than 1
Good download rate if the value of X is 1
Poor download rate if the value of X is greater than 1
X2 = (Time taken by the webpage to full reload or refresh in seconds) / 10
The value of X2 should always be less than X1
2. Kris Performance Standard formula:
PS = ((Y-X2)*X)10
Performance standard value (PS) should be below 5.
The more the value of PS goes above 5, and then the website or blog is considered as slowly downloading one and is rated poorly. You should consider restructuring it.
The more the value goes down below 5, and then the website or blog is considered as excellent in its performance.
Here is a link to find how much time it takes to download your page. Just enter the URL of your website or blog in the box provided and click on start. The timer on the top will show you how much time it take to download full page.
After finding the time, you can apply the formula given above to find the status of your page.
Then restructure your page to get a brilliant result. Or you can compare with any other sites also.
Click here for TIMER
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Its a free service, no charges required at any time.
Blog in blogger.com
Search engine optimised( metatags, key words included)
Searchable in most search engines and robot driven search engines like AltaVista, Infoseek and searchBC
Advertisement panels: you may change it whenever you want to do so
This blog is in Google, Blogger. So all the features of blogger/blogspot are applicable. Once I handover the blog to you,then change the password and enjoy blogging.Never handover password to any one.
Visitor details added( feedjit )
Google analystics and sitemap inclusion
Visitor counter added
Other blogpromotion site inclusions for more traffic
Ownership will be yours.
The real winners are Share brokers:
But a trader can choose ONLINE TRADING, if he or she has a reliable broad band internet facility.
Almost all major share broking agencies are now providing online trading facilities with much lower brokerages.
This is because of lower brokerages when compared to the brokerages in SUB BROKERS.
So start to save money right from here.
Read more on online trading( Indian Readers)
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
After reading my article on Swing Trade, many readers ask for some help in swing trade. Here is a formula for finding out Crucial levels, Support levels, Resistance levels of stocks for a trading day. Everyday evening you should update it. Calculate this formula once the market is closed. These levels are applicable for the next day trading. Consider all end values as positive values.
Step 1. Find the crucial level of the stock for next trading day
Crucial Level = (Days High Price + Days Low Price + Close Price)/3
Step 2. Find support and resistance levels by using Crucial level for next trading day
Support 1 = (Crucial Level x 2) - Days High Price
Support 2 = Crucial Level – Days High Price+ Low Price
Support 3 = (Days Low Price - 2) x (Days High Price- Crucial Level)
Resistance 1 = (Crucial Level x2) - Days Low price
Resistance 2 = Crucial Level +High Price-Low Price
Resistance 3 = High Price + (2 x (Crucial Level -Low Price))
Advantages of these formulas
Identify trading levels
Can use in intraday and swing trading
Disadvantages of these formulas
Volumes are not under consideration
These levels not obey the Index movement, so traders must be cautious on movement of Index
Apply and give me comment on these formulas
More money making ideas:
Monday, March 9, 2009
Don’t install any new programs or softwares without the permission from the ONLINE TRADING SOFTWARE or your BROKER. Installing some softwares may change the system settings which will affect your trading software.
You should avoid visiting other non related WebPages through this computer. When you visit certain sites that may contain virus, then it will install by itself. This will harm your trading in these ways:
System will slow down
Unexpected hanging of computer
Viruses or spy wares may hack your system data like passwords, usernames etc.
Remember that you had to link your bank account for any money transactions. So never allow a third party to handle your computer. Protect it with password and don’t forget that password.
Never visit porn sites, online gambling sites etc from your trading computer, even on free time.
Never download files from unknown emails.
Install a good antivirus program in your system that is recommended by the ONLINE TRADING SOFTWARE of your share broker. Select Antivirus that have Anti Spam features and Messenger filters.
After every trade, make a backup of your trading details
Step 1: Identify the stock
Watch some stocks with decent volumes, activity, fundamental quality and the pick of your pocket. The stock that you are selecting must be having appreciable points in Index also. Say for example. NTPC
Try to find certain technical indicators like moving averages, oscillators, trend lines, trend channels and patterns. Watching a long term chart in yahoo finance charts will be much useful in analyzing the price movement of the stock with the index movement. You must identify the 5, 10 180 days moving averages also. Long term charts will help you to identify the breakout levels, and price range in which the stock is trading.
Step 2: Watch the Index movement
Watch the movement of index. Always try to identify possible strong resistance and strong support levels. Also watch the foreign markets like Dow, NASDAQ and their support/resistance levels. You can depend on websites, and channels to get sufficient knowledge about the levels. Watch the volatility index of Nifty also. If the volatility is higher then wild movements of Nifty stocks will happen. Other wise movements mostly behave in line with technical analysis.
Never try to take a position when the market hovers around the resistance levels and vice versa
Step 3: Make a Swing trade strategy
After finding out a trading range, enter to the stock at the possible lowest point. Then put a stop loss well below the support level. It is always better if you can find an oversold territory. Every day you should keep stop loss and follow the stock with stop loss when you reach profit.
Very important point is that the exit level needs to be identified before initiating the trade. If the target is achieved in single day, you should book profit. Never hold the position for another few days thinking that sky is the limit.
Sometimes you will see that price movement happens in either side more than our expectation. Never worry about it. If you see the stock price went up your target price after profit booking, then you should console yourself that you got some profit. Similarly, if the price of the stock went down to trigger your stop loss and later it went to profit zone then you should be practical enough to console yourself.
But remember; never forget to book your profit.
Never try to hedge your position also
Here are some trends that a swing trader must know:
1. Results
You should carefully approach the earning season as it may change the trends of particular stocks. Watch the advance tax payment by Indian Companies and judge which company is going to make exceptional profits. The first result of a particular sector will trigger a movement in either side on all active stocks in the category.
2. Policy push and pull
Government policies will affect the stocks very quickly. When Government hikes the prices of Petrol and Diesel, then all Oil Marketing Companies will be benefited. But FMCG companies will get hurt because of their increase in transportation cost. Similarly any change in REPO, Reveres repo rates by RBI will take the Banking and non banking stocks to either side.
The RBI's Annual Credit Policy is announced in April. The Mid-Term Review of the Policy is in January, July, and October
So watch, study and be careful in investing in any Policy announcement days.
3. Budget rallies
One of the most dangerous occasions is 14 days from budget and up to 7 days after budget. Never let your money destroyed by Post and pre budget rallies.
4. FII data
Always watch the daily FII data for one or two week time. Watch the F&O movement of index. Be careful when there is huge shorts are build in indices.
5. Seasonal effects:
Summer vacation:May is the month when most fund managers go for a break and it is well proved by the crashes in May 2004, 2006 etc
Winter vacation:
Another month of fear is October because of the great stock market crashes of 1929, 1987, 2008 etc
X’mas outing:
A rally is expected nearing the X’mas which is called Santa Claus rally. But recent years are not well following.
Diwali crackers:
Diwali is an occasion in which more new investments come to market. Invest on dips nearing Diwali and book on Diwali or post Diwali sessions.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Time to go back to BARTER SYSTEM??
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Step 1.
You can see here
technical indicatorsof BSE( Bombay stock Exchange).
Step 2:
In the page you must select your stock or exchange or whatever by simply type the full name in the GET CHART coloumn above the chart.Please take care to keep the computer date and time uptodate because this is an interactive chart that will give you result upto the time of your computer.
Step 3:
After selecting the stock name, click on the
TECHNICAL INDICATORStab and select a technical indicator of your choice. Change the date and time of your requirement and view the data in interactive chart
Very useful,,isn't it?