In our previous post, we gave a mention about using Entrecard. After that, we received more than 100 emails and enquiries about Entrecard and how to use it more effectively. Here in this post we will describe, how to generate free instant traffic to your blog using Entrecard.
Entrecard is a program that allows a blog owner to advertise his blog and keep some advertisements in his blog. This program promotes, “blog walking” through their widget and help you network with other users, increase traffic to your site, earn EC (Entrecard Credits), and free advertise on other sites.
This is absolutely free program to Join. Click here to join ENTRECARD. You should give “Valid Email Address”, “Category”, “Entrecard Style” ( you can upload a picture 125x125 or just select any default styles), “Blog URL”, and other details as required. Then Grab the code for “Entrecard Widget “ for your blog. After copying the code, Login to your “Blogger Account”,”Dashboard”, “Layout”, “Add A Gadget” and paste the Code and Save. Now the Entrecard Widget will appear on your blog. Your blog has now been submitted to Entrecard moderation team for approval. You will receive an email once your blog has been reviewed and approved.

It has been observed that, rarely your Entrecard Widgets are not scanned properly by Entrecard Automatic scanners. This will delay the approval of your blog and advertisements will not appear in your blog. Simply login to Entrecard, “ Dashboard”. Then you can request again for a scanning of the presence of Entrecard widget on your blog. When the scanner detects widget in your blog, then advertisements will start appearing on your blog.
Learn Blog Walk: Once the Entrecard widget on your blog start showing advertisements, login to your Entrecard account, and in the Dashboard, where you can see “Drops inbox”. Click on that, to see different blogs (date wise arranged) who visited your blog and “dropped “ you. Now a click on any of those will take you to that blog. Find the Entrecard Gadget in that blog. You can see a small tab called “Drop” where you had to click. Now it will return as “Thanks”. This means you will be in the “Drops inbox” of that blogger and whenever that blogger looks into the ‘Drop inbox”, will see your blog. This process is called Blog walk and automatically prompting bloggers to visit back their visitors. This process also will help you to earn more EC ( Entrecard Credits)
Buy Advertisements for Free: Once you earn Entrecard Credits, then you can utilize those credits to display an advertisement of your blog in another blog. Login to Entrecard, go to “Dashboard” and then to “Campaign”. Here you can find blogs based upon category, popular, cheap or random. By searching here, to find a blog where you can advertise is quite easy. Here you can see our blog appearing in this Campaign. From this you can understand that if you want to advertisement in my blog, then you had to wait for 5 days and when you advertise on my blog, 32 EC will be deducted from your EC account. This EC will be credited in my account. Once you select a blog of your choice, simple click on “Advertise” tab as seen in this picture. Advertisement of your blog will come on that blog automatically on due date. Those bloggers who visit the blog that shows your advertisement will see your advertisement resulting in more visitors to your blog. So while preparing advertisements, use good pictures in your Widget to represent your blog.
- Earn Credits for dropping cards : Blog walking will help you to earn EC. Find blogs of your choice from the campaign and simply walk through blogs.
- Advertising price : Let others apply for display advertisements in your blog. When there is more queue of applicants, then your EC rate also will go high.
- Referral Program : Try to keep a widget in your blog to attract referrals. The referral banner codes are available in Dashboard . You can earn 300 Entrecard credits for each new users you referred to Entrecard that resulted in a sign up
- Selling items in the Marketplace : This depend upon various offers, up to you to participate or not.
- Contests : You may earn credits buy participating in contests
- Buying Credits : You can buy credits directly from Entrecard by payments
Care should be taken that your blog meets the “ Quality Standards” of Entrecard. Simple Rules of joining:
- No nudity in participating blogs
- English only blogs
- Minimum 5 posts must be present in the blog
- Content must be original
- No full-screen ads or popup
- No illegal file downloads from your blog
- Entrecard widget must be present in your blog
- Redirects URL such as tinyurl, linkbee etc are not allowed
- No duplicate accounts allowed
- URLs must be valid and should land in valid page
- No auto playing audio allowed in participating blogs
- Content must be recent in last 3 months
Hopes that all my readers got a basic idea about Entrecard. Don’t forget to collect the official E-book after joining Entrecard. Any doubts, feel free to comment.