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Thursday, November 3, 2011


How about replacing your Blogger profile with an exciting Google Plus profile. Bloggers who switch will automatically get access to the Google+ integrations in the future. This is a completely an optional feature because Google respects bloggers who are blogging under a pseudonym. We believe that in near future, linking your blogger profile to Google Plus will help to share your posts automatically. ( Remember using networkedblogs application in Facebook)

google plus blogger

How to connect with Blogger blogs with my existing Google Plus profile

If you already have a Google+ account and would like to replace or connect your Blogger profile with your Google+ profile, click here to get connected.

I have no Google Plus account. How I connect with my Blogger Profile

Create one Google Plus account. Click here to get a Google plus account. Then go to Draft blogger to get switched. Switch here

Quite easy, isn't it?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing us such an important topics with us. Keep it up so we can hope to get more blog with important information.
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