In one of my previous post, I wrote about the importance of getting value Twitter Followers. Value Twitter followers are nothing but real followers who love and reply your Tweets. But the value of “ Value Twitter Followers “ is now going down after the introduction of Making Money through Tweets. If you really want to make money through Twitter then you need massive number of Followers because most of these money making programs are based on how many clicks others made on your Tweet. ( PPC ). The theory is quite simple, the more followers you have then more chance to make money.
I suggest my readers to use Sponsored Tweets, RevTweet, and Magpie as your twitter money making options. Sponsored Tweets gives you freedom to rate our own Twitter Account and in RevTweet we can automate our money making Tweets. ( I am so happy to say that recently I successfully completed one Tweet offer in Sponsored Tweets ).
Now you should concentrate on how to make more followers. There are many pay sites that offer bulk followers for Twitter. Unfortunately most of these twitter accounts are invalid or inactive accounts. So it is always better that you should participate in a program where account holders manually follow each other. Two interesting programs are given below, which you can try to get many followers.

What I Like in FastFollowers ? Click here to reach Fastfollowers
1. This is a game of earning credits and getting good followers. Once a member is out of credit, then he will not get followers. So this makes him, actively follow others. We can make sure that somebody will follow you.
2. The program will notify us through email when our credit reaches zero.
3. You may change the offer of your credit and can view how many people followed you through FastFollowers.
4. Free to enjoy. ( Not all options, still very useful in earning good followers )
5. Fastfollowers using Twitter Oath to verify account and no need to update Twitter Account each time.
What I hate in FastFollower ?
1. Some accounts that I already followed are appearing again in the list. This makes me confusion whether to click on that account again or not.
2. The members list to follow is very short and it should be at least 50 members for us to choose in a single time itself.
What I Like in Twitter Follower ?
1. Very easy one click option to follow and unfollow others. Just Login and Start following people who are available in the list. Now more than 2000 active Twitter accounts available in Twitter Follower.
2. Free to use, Site owned by John Chow, Famous internet celebrity.
What I hate in Twitter Follower ?
1. Every time we need to update our Twitter Account , with username and password. This site doesn't use Twitter Oath to approve login.
2. Some Twitter accounts in “List” are inactive or invalid. So after every login, we need to unfollow those who are not following us back.
3. If our name is in the last page of the list, then not sure that somebody will follow us.
I suggest my readers to use both programs simultaneously. This will definitely earn huge followers for you. But, never forget to monetize your Twitter before doing this.