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Thursday, March 5, 2009

Time to go back to BARTER SYSTEM??

All of you have noticed that stock markets, commodities, realestate..all going down in their values. But I wonder, where all these money wnet?? to whose pockets??I feel its better to value things as we did in BARTER SYSTEM...back to stone age


Sean Akizuki said...

Maybe yes... maybe no. But honestly I believe that most of the money are just hidden somewhere by corrupt officials under different names.

forexwatch said...

Barter Trade still exists but with a new name or re branding. It is now called Counter Trade. Government Tenders/Contracts for imported items have this clause and priority is given to Tenderer with an offer of Counter Trade. In some cases Counter Trade is the mode of payment.

Robert McLaughlin said...

good idea bring back bartering.
you seem to have a very busy site with good info well done

Anonymous said...

Your comment is correct Mr Forexwatch. I mean to implement barter in everything

SouthBostonBooks said...

Nice post - bartering would be made illegal since there is no way the government could collect taxes on it.

tomlopy said...

Buy gold at this point.

Unknown said...

Dear careful to buy that because...if the same of crude happen to Gold then...

Anonymous said...

I actually still use the barter system quite a bit, but just with friends. I do think society could benefit from more trading and less cash exchanging hands.

Kai said...

Bartering is great! For instance, I will talk to people for an exchange of traffic! Just kidding, but great website!

Anonymous said...

It's better to go back to the stone age so there won't be corruption anymore.. lol..

Anonymous said...

that would definitely make things interesting!

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